Fitter & Faster

There are no limits to success.

Fitter & Faster is a strength and conditioning program, designed to use exercise prescription specifically to improve performance in training. The program will help to prevent injury and will educate you on the mechanics within sports performance.

Strength and Conditioning is about more than lifting weights – it encompasses the entire development of the individual and what is needed to improve physical performance. The program focuses on plyometrics, speed and agility, endurance and core stability with strength training being just one piece of the jigsaw. You will receive 1-2-1 training and programs tailored to your exact requirements and sport.

Package Information

What Will I Do?

Becoming stronger is just one part of this program. Be put through your paces and let the FWX coach educate you on the importance of sports specialist training.

What Will I Achieve?

Each week your sessions will incorporate sports specific training styles for maximum output. We will increase your tolerance on training and decrease chance of injury!

Am I Fit Enough?

Your specific strength qualities will be identified, and are tracked to ensure that the strength and conditioning programme is being as effective as possible.

Package Stats

How Many Sessions?


The weekly sessions can be tailored to your requirements.

2 or 3 sessions per week

How Many Days?


We can move the goalposts here to deliver the package in a shorter time or extend the results to a slightly longer time period.

How Will I Feel?

Ready for the next play! – The program is designed to excel you as an athlete and encourages you to feel your best 24 hours a day 7 days a week around your own sport and training.

Ready to Get Started?


Book your free Health Consultation at FWX Gyms. You will come in to see the gym, meet the team and discuss your goals, to find an approach that’s right for you.

We will also discuss nutrition and body stats % that are both included on all packages!
