All membership Terms and conditions are listed below.

  • This agreement commences once you have indicated your acceptance during the web sign up process.
  • By using a FWX Gym you understand the rules of the gyms.
  • From time to time we may need to increase the price of membership. We will give you at least 14 days notice of any incoming price increase and will make it very clear when the price increase will take effect and how much your membership will cost after the increase. During this period, you will have your usual right to terminate your membership in accordance with the membership terms and conditions and rules. If you do not terminate the membership by the date given to you in the notice, then the price of your membership will be increased in accordance with our notice.
  • To the best of your knowledge and belief you are in good health and not knowingly incapable of engaging in either active or passive exercise and that such exercise would not be detrimental to your health, safety, comfort, wellbeing or physical condition. Further, that you will advise us immediately should your circumstances change.
  • You are engaging in activities with the gym or making use of its facilities are responsible for ensuring that you are properly equipped and that your state of health and physical condition is such as not to involve any risk to yourself or any other person making use of the gym. Fitness Worx accepts no responsibility for an accident, damage, injury, death, illness or misadventure caused to or suffered by members in the gym. Other persons participating in such activity may cause me injury or may damage my property. I will handle the situation myself.
  • No claim to FWX Can be made if an accident occurs.
  • By activating your email with Fitnessworx you agree to the terms and conditions.
  • Members of the gym engaging in activities with the gym or making use of its facilities are responsible for ensuring that they are properly equipped and that their state of health and physical condition are such as not to involve any risk to themselves or any other person making use of the gym. Fitness Worx accepts no responsibility for an accident, damage, injury, death, illness, or misadventure caused to or suffered by members in the gym. Other persons participating in such activity may cause me injury or may damage my property. I will handle the situation myself.
  • We may terminate this agreement with immediate effect on notifying you if you are in breach of the Clubs Rules.
  • There may be occasions where we have to close all, or part of, the gym of which you are a member. We will do our best to let you know of such closures in advance of them taking place, unless the problem is urgent or an emergency. We will use all commercially reasonable endeavours to ensure that such closures are outside of peak visiting hours and are kept to a minimum, in both duration and frequency. You will not be entitled to a refund of part of, or all of, your membership fees in such circumstances.
  • Personal training sessions with a non- Fitnessworx PT in a Fitness Worx facility is strictly forbidden, this can result in termination of your membership and even a ban.
  • Bringing personal training clients into a Fitnessworx facility to complete PT sessions is also strictly forbidden.
    Please do not share your membership or allow entry to non-members.
    Access is strictly for members only.
    Failure to comply will result in a £100 fine.We appreciate your understanding and assistance in maintaining the security and fairness of our gym.

Gym rules

  • All weights and equipment must be put back after use
  • Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times
  • No loose chalk in the gym
  • Please wipe down machines with a antibacterial spray an paper towel if sweaty
  • Do not drop weights
  • Allow others to use free weights and weight machines between sets
  • No access if under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Each member must respect the gym staff and other members
  • U18s must be accompanied by an adult at all times
  • Offensive behavior and swearing shall not be tolerated
  • Memberships are for individual use only
  • Every member must have the Fitnessworx app and an active account
  • Door access code is not to be shared with non-members


  • FWX is not responsible for any overpayments or multiple accounts made, no refund will be issued if this occurs.
  • A Membership QR code must be scanned upon entry.
  • Multi-site access is for full price Memberships and annuals.
  • Student membership is only valid for a singular gym location.
  • You cannot transfer this agreement to anyone else.
  • Joining Fee and first month’s pro-rata membership fee is collected on the day of joining.
  • Membership fee is due on the first of each month.
  • If you are a single site Member (Coventry only) and you wish to use another site you will be required to buy day passes for each individual site or upgrade to multisite membership.
  • Your membership can only be used by you: Your membership is issued solely for your use, as your membership is personal to you and only covers your use of a gym.
  • Use of membership is monitored. In the interests of the safety and security of all our members, you may be asked to provide proof of identification.
  • If your Membership has been shared or misused we may (in our discretion) decide to conduct an investigation. If we do so we will: (a) inform you, via email, that we believe your membership has been used by another individual or individuals and ask you to provide us with reasonable assistance to investigate the matter; If you have been allowing nonmembers use your account you will receive a warning the first time, followed by a Membership suspension or ban if caught for a second time.
  • Cancelled memberships can not be reinstated.
  • A joining fee applied to your first payment.
  • If you are caught bringing non-members into the gym you will receive a written Warning and be charged a day pass fee for the non-Member. Multiple instances of this can result in termination of your membership.

Cancellation policy

  • 30 days notice must be given if you wish to cancel your membership
  • For a membership to be canceled, a cancellation form must be filled out. This can be found on the website, in the app and can be sent via email. Only after this form is filled out can a Membership be cancelled.
  • Membership will be cancelled 30 days from when the form is filled out and submitted.
  • To cancel or change a direct debit please contact FWX directly via
  • Management reserve all rights to waive cancellation policies
  • OFFERS – The promotion stated stands until the date set on a marketing flyer says – The cost of £39.95 per month will be on a DD with you and FWX Gyms come the end of the promotion – EXAMPLE – Pay £1 + £39.95  for the month, the following month your DD starts at £39.95 per month. You are entitled to the special rate as per promotion at any time during the select dates. 30 Days notice applies.
  • Annual Membership – This is non-freezable
  • Annual Membership – Once purchased, an annual membership is locked in and NON-REFUNDABLE as this is a one-time payment of 12 months. Management reserves all rights to 1. cancel set promotions 2. increase pricing dependant on set amount available

Membership Freeze

  • We cannot stop payments if you submit a freeze within 10 days of the payment date being due, which is normally the 1st of the month. Therefore, we cannot freeze the payment for the next month if you freeze after the 20th/21st of the month.
  • We require 30 days’ notice to cancel a membership. Please note that if you freeze your membership, the 30-day notice period for cancellation will begin once your freeze period has ended. Freezing your membership does not reduce or eliminate the required notice period for cancellation.
  • Freezing of membership is possible due to injury or holiday – The minimum freeze time is one month and the maximum two months.
  • Freezing of the membership must be communicated via THIS LINK AND FORM
  • If you freeze your membership in the middle of the month for one week, you have already paid for that month. Once a payment is pulled there is no credit given.
  • After the maximum freeze time your membership will automatically be un-frozen and will revert to your monthly rate. Freeze only applies to monthly memberships

Personal Training

  • You must give the trainer 24 hours notice prior to your session or you will be charged. If on a session pass entry or 1 time PT session, I understand that these are non-refundable | non-transferable.
  • The deposit and payment 1, 2 and 3 are compulsory and must be paid in full as per payment dates.
  • Personal Training Packages – Payments made for PT packages are non-refundable. Where best, we shall do our best to accommodate sessions and re-bookings.
  • If you were to cancel your package, final payment may need to be made equal to the value of your sessions.
  • If you were to cancel your package, paid an amount and still have sessions remaining not equal to this, a solution will be found by the management. We do not issue refunds on packages BUT we do offer session holding times until you are willing to return.
  • Management reserves all rights to Personal Training packages
  • If a Personal Training package is purchased on a split payment plan, legally you still MUST make the final payment installment – this is non-negotiable. We are happy to pause packages on a temporary basis. Failure to make a payment for sessions or remaining sessions can lead to legal action through our chosen solicitors and legal team.
  • No refunds will be given on Personal Training packages if you do not wish to carry on – options to hold will apply.
  • PT Packages membership – New packages are entitled to 1 complimentary month membership. Your direct debit will then commence after this time.
  • No refunds will be given on Personal Training – options to hold will apply.

Direct Debits

  • If there are any changes to the amount, date or interval of your direct debit, FWX will notify you 3 working days in advance of your account being debited. If an error is made, please contact FWX and a solution shall be provided.
  • To cancel the direct debit please contact
  • If any membership fee is returned unpaid for whatever reason, you will be notified of a missed payment, if further payments are missed, we reserve the right to either suspend or terminate your membership, upon having given you written notice.
  • FWX is not responsible for any overpayments made and no refund will be given.
  • Cancellation form must be filled out and 30 days notice must be given to cancel your membership
  • EARLY BIRD MEMBERSHIPS – The early bird memberships last for a period of 12 months and then increase to the set start for that specific site ie. £25 to £31.95 and £35  to £39.95

Free passes- Day passes, week passes and offers

  • A free pass can be redeemed at Fitness Worx Gyms in Kenilworth, Southam, Bristol, Leamington and Warwick between the gym opening hours only- a gym tour is required to obtain a free pass.
  • A free pass CAN NOT be used to attend a class if it is overbooked.
  • ONE Free pass per person only.
  • Management reserves all rights to refuse entry.
  • Management reserves all rights to cancel any promotions, running at any time.
  • This daily membership commences once you have indicated your acceptance in the Declaration section of this web sign up process.
  • Your membership will be activated on the date you specified, running till midnight of the specified date.
  • You will be entitled to all the rights and privileges exercisable for the Type of Membership chosen.
  • You cannot transfer this daily membership to anyone else nor transfer to another date.
  • Day passes and week passes are non-refundable.


  • The fee per class for non-members is £10.
  • Class spaces are limited and you must book classes via the app.
  • You will be asked to leave a class if you are behaving inappropriately.


  • All imagery and photos remain the property of Fitness Worx Gyms. This is to include all phone images, transformation photos, and Personal Training photos. Fitness Worx Gyms reserves all rights to 1.delete a photo from a phone device – By signing a health or joiner form, you waive all rights to images inside the gym or taken of you.
  • Personal Trainers do not own client transformation photos and are the sole property of Fitness Worx Gyms.
  • Privacy Policy terms on Personal Data – When a Pass or form is filled out this splits into two sections of Data – 1.Email Address and 2. Phone Number (Please request for either or both to be removed from the system in order to gain full freedom from Personal Data being held) See Privacy Policy.

By completing the Fitness Worx membership form, filling out your details online or via the app. You are agreeing to the above terms as stated.

If you have any questions or enquiries, please email



  • All payments are non-refundable.
  • Payment must be made in full to receive course certificate
  • Deposit payment is non-refundable
  • If payment is made and you wish to postpone, this will be management rights and we will do our best to allocate
  • If for a reason the course gets delayed, we will place you on the next possible date
  • Management reserves all rights to suspend course attendees if non-payment is made
  • FWX is partnered with Origin Series Ltd who leads the course along side FWX Gyms