3 Simple Exercises You Can Do With Resistance Bands

The FWX team has put together, 3 simple exercises that you can do with resistance bands. Did you know that all FWX Facilities have functional areas and an array of resistant bands for you to use!\

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Plank Jacks

Targets: Core and glutes
How to: Loop a resistance band around your ankles and get into a push-up position. Your hands are shoulder-distance apart, and your hips lifted so your body is in a straight line (a). Squeezing your glutes and engaging your core, jump your feet out to your sides and jump them back in (b). Do 8-10 reps, while keeping your core tight throughout the entire movement.

Squat to Shoulder Press

Targets: Legs, glutes and shoulders
How to: Stand over a resistance band with your feet hip-distance apart. Hold both ends of the bands with your hands and raise them to shoulder-level (a). Sit into a deep squat, while keeping your hands by your shoulders (b). As you come up to stand, press the resistance bands up overhead until your arms are fully extended (c). Do 8-10 reps.

Lateral Lunge to Bicep Curl

Targets: Legs, glutes and biceps
How to: Loop the resistance band around a pole or the knob of a door. Hold onto one end of the resistance band with both hands and stand with feet hip-distance apart (a). Take a big step away from the anchor with your outside foot, toes pointing forward, hinging at the hips as you sit back to lower. The leg closest to the anchor should be straight, and the outside thigh should be bent, thigh parallel to floor. Be sure your knee doesn’t extend past your toes (b). As you come up to stand, perform a bicep curl and lift the band to chest height (c). This is one rep. Do 8-10 reps.

For full instructional videos visit www.youtube.com and input the exercise name into the search bar. 


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