Don’t be a superman.

MEN, We don’t have to be superman everyday!

So today, well the last few days, I have felt terrible! I am not sure why, it’s not been an illness as I cant stop eating and I don’t feel “ill” but I am just drained! I have ZERO energy, ZERO motivation and to be honest, I have not done a great deal!


Does it matter……I would say no, who cares .. Men have this weird attitude towards being tired and un-motivated, unlike women who write 85 Facebook statuses and 17 snapchats. We say nothing, we power through or just hide away, we have terrible gym sessions, nutrition goes to pot, concentration drops and we just feel a little sorry for ourselves.


This is what i need to learn, TO REST….I never rest and this is why I get more of these phases than I would like. I work 15 hour days, 7 days a week. This is not ideal whilst trying to get ready for a competition. It isn’t the smartest idea I’ve ever had, but there is work to do and no on else is going to do it!

I don’t really know where I am going with this blog, I thought I would just put fingers to keyboard and type! What I am getting at is, it’s ok to feel tired, sluggish and not motivated and it’s ok to show emotion and it’s ok to have a “moment”. WE ARE ALL HUMAN, and we all go through every emotion most days, well a few people I know go through every emotion hourly….

If you don’t feel like training, don’t train, if you feel full don’t eat! Too many of us create stress around training and nutrition depending on what mood we are in. Training should be fun and eating healthy should be fun.

When your having a off day……have a off day!!! But don’t make this off day EVERYDAY.

Don’t be superman….



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