Jack’s guide to fat loss for dummies

So following on from my post the other day about people “forgetting” calories and eating far too much food, I thought I would write a bit on the fundamentals of fat loss! Tbh this is rather quite easy, there is only one main way to lose body fat…That is eat less and move more!

You must be in a calorie deficit to lose weight….to create this calorie deficit, you can do it one of two ways, eat less, ditch the takeaways and daily chocolate bars or move more, increase your out put, walk, run, lifts weights anything!!

Having said that, there is always a few ways to make the previous easier! I understand its not always that simple….so! what I have learnt from the years and years on coaching both males and females is that the small things make the big difference.

Track all your food!

Sticking to a set diet plan is not always possible! Yes, I find sticking to the same platform and similar diet a lot easier but with some people do not, and for some people not possible to whack out a Tupperware in the middle of a board meeting! So tracking your food and knowing what calories you should be consuming will help you stay in this deficit!

Stay hydrated!

Yes, this is serious, having just a few L of water a day can help you stick to the plan, it will kerb SOME hunger! It will also help concentration, so instead of thinking about food 24/7 you can concentrate on work.

Exercise, move more, but!!!

Make exercise fun, it doesn’t mean you have to run half a marathon every other day or lift 50kg dumbbells, it simply means move, so if you enjoy tennis, go play a game, if you enjoy football, go join a team! Go play golf, dance do what ever you enjoy. Its still exercise, you don’t have to stick to the norm to lose weight.

Lastly….. do not beat your self up!

Fat loss is not linear, you have ups and downs, you cock up, you eat to much at a party, your tired and miss the gym! SO WHAT! Get up the next day and start again. 1 or 2 days will not make you fat and ruin your life. Remember health and fitness should be a lifestyle not a quick fix!!




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