So over my years of training hundreds of clients with all sorts of different body shapes and sizes .. The main goal is usually to lose weight!

For years we used to step clients on the scales each week, making them feel like utter crap when they hadn’t lost the linear 3lbs a week we had set in their first consultation!

Imagine…. every Monday you knew your PT was going to step you on the scales, and the out come of the scales would be determined how hard the next few sessions would be for the client! ( Partly to do with the fact my old boss did not have a clue and insisted this happened)

Yes, that young, un-experienced trainer was ME……

This all took place years ago, when after taking a generic level 3 personal training diploma at my local college…what a piece of rubbish that curriculum was!!

Years and years later, I have learnt the correct way for many training avenues, from hours and hours training, studying and reading. You soon realise there is a lot more to weight loss than standing on a set of boots scales feeling uncomfortable.

Everyone out there still has this weird attachment to scales and associate them with body composition! Which is utter rubbish. Look at your top sprinters, they are classed as obese if you use the useless scale BMI.

Weight loss should not be associated with the scales one bit! Your coming to the gym to “look better” so why does it matter if you weigh 5 stone or 18 stone?? If you look like you want and you feel confident…. WHO CARES.

The better way to understand progression and “FAT LOSS” would be – Skin Callipers, Body Pods and Dexa Scans – This is if you really want to take it to the next level.

Personally to me, the best way to see change and progression – A TAPE MEASURE AND PHOTOS!



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