Training Journal – 2

So we all love a bench day!!!

The difference is I bench for performance now, not aesthetics….This session was more focused on speed and triceps work as this is one area a lot of you forget to improve, triceps’ strength, your triceps is massive involved in pressing and defiantly in bench…..So this workout was concentrated around speed, triceps and general upper back work.


  • Close Grip bench – 4 Sets of 3 reps at 130kg followed by an AMRAP which I hit for 13 reps! AMRAP meaning as many reps as possible!!! Killer
  • Dips – Weighted, hung a 10kg plate around my waist with the dipping belt! 4 sets 10 reps
  • Tate press ( Youtube it ) – Awesome tricep exercise which will build you some serious mass if its done correctly and often! Im new to Tate press but I wish I had discovered it months agooo!!
  • Arnie press – God I’ve not done this exercise in a while and I struggled with all the added tightness and muscle I had gained around my shoulders! I remember when I could practically touch the dumbbells in the middle!!! Not any more! Was about a mile away.
  • Seal row ( can do DB supported row if not) 60kg for 3 sets of 12 Reps.
  • Narrow neutral grip pull downs (Lat Machine) what ever weight your machine does! I went for 3 sets of 12, increasing the weight each time!
  • Suitcase holds – Man these are hard!!! 30 seconds each hand for 4 sets! They looks so innocent and easy until the 15 second mark….Then my god is it tough.

Workout complete!!!

So as you can see there is no real massive weight in this workout! Remember I am still 13 weeks out so the weight is a lot lighter, in this block it’s more about volume and intensity, technique and not ruining your body for the rest of the prep!

I’ve seen and heard a lot of lads and girls maxing out 10 weeks out!! GOOD IDEA… then where do you go from there? Start repping your 95% haha, way to tear something and be so fatigued mid prep you get ill and have to have a week off. Remember is a slow process….build it up and peak for your meet….do not peak for the gym….remember, leave your ego at the door and smash the platform!



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