Training Journal – 3

So this was one of the hardest sessions I have completed to date!!

I thought the coach had done me in with the deadlift cluster sets….but no….Hatfeild squats, belt squats and every other form of squats did me over….


Lower body session 11 weeks out…We are still working in the Hypertrophy range, of  as there is many more weeks to being the reps down and increase the weight, reason being, I think the coach wants to try and add a little bit more size to certain areas … I certainly need some bigger quads.

The first exercise was an absolute killer which also set the standard for the next 2 hours of my life!

Hatfeild SSB squats, man these are a killer! You can feel how much they are working the quad so you can not complain. If you don’t know what a Hatfield squat is….get on YouTube! – This squat allows you to have more balance, and because of this, more weight is distributed over the quad. We worked up to 4 top sets – 205/225/245/245/225  


Belt Squats, until we have the machine set up, we are using 2, 5inch blocks onto 2, 25kg red plates! For the belt its self we used the dipping belt with a kettle bell tied around your waist! Last week we used 30kg ,this week we added 2 x 20kg plates! – 40kg for 3 sets of 12.


Back extensions, we used the Hyperextension for this one as it’s a new bit of kit which is frigging awesome! It’s very similar to a back extension. With the hyper you need to control the movement on the way down, really squeeze your glutses at the top too! There is no point in doing this exercise unless it’s done with control. Your lower back takes over, hips come off the pad and it’s a totally different exercise than it should be!! –  4 sets 10 reps at 20kg


Bent knee glute ham raise. This exercise is performed on the GHD, I have never performed it with bent knees, as I have always been told to keep my legs straight and focus on a slow eccentric! BUT this way seemed to actually hit my hamstring and glutes a lot more, it also didn’t feel like my hamstring was about to snap – 3 sets of 20


Finally Pull Through. The funniest looking hip thrust you will ever perform, you get some funny looks in the gym! This exercise is designed to hit the glutes and to also mimic the lock out of a squat and deadlift! – 3 sets of 15


I have noticed a lot of Instagram Power Lifters that they seem to smash just the compounds, which to me is silly! You have a coach who has created you a program…..STICK to it. The accessory work to me is what’s made me feel a lot stronger and has also allowed me to gain a few KGS!



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