Training journal – 5
Do you know what, over the last 2 weeks, it’s felt awesome being back on plan… and yes I feel absolutely beat and every muscle hurts throughout my body, BUT I feel strong! I feel like I’m back into my training and the main thing is I’m actually enjoying it!
I’m enjoying being tired and I’m enjoying waking up with sore muscles and bones! To me this is what training is about, taking your body to places it shouldn’t really go!
Last week me and FWX Trainer Eliot travelled to a different gym for our squat session. We did this because he wanted to use the thicker bar! 25kg and gives you less bend. So we took a trip over to Central Fitness, Birmingham to hit up a big squat session. At the session, I hit an all time PR – 280kg back squat for 2 nice reps…I would say about an 8/10 🙂
Anyway…. Back to my actual session…Deadlifts. I’ve decided to switch up my deadlift stance due to conventional not really working for me… I don’t seem to be able to get the power through the lift, and it just fires through my back and hips – I have switched to a Quasi style deadlift now, which is basically in-between a sumo and conventional. This style seems to suit me a bit better, its more through my quads and upper back … well my upper back is aching and I have not done many rows recently.
We started of with a few warm up sets to make sure I had the position correct, this took a good few reps, it’s not perfect now but it’s a lot better then at the start. My bum raises too fast, this is an on-going issue that inam trying to correct, and I have started to keep it down a lot more now, but I have to concentrate on it.
- 140 x 1
- 180 x 1
- 200 x 1
- 220 x 1
- 340 x 1
We then hit up some doubles with a red band from one side to the other and then the last was to remove this band and hit 2 triples which I managed at 220 kg : )
After the 10 sets of Deads, we went onto some reverse hyper on the Westside! I hit 4 sets of 15 reps, after the singles – It was good to hit some volume! 4 x 15 up to 10kg each side.
Leg extensions – 4 x 14 each leg! Used the single lets extension.
- Laying Hamstring curls….15kg dumbbell for 3 sets of 12-15 reps.
- Banded good mornings using the purple band! 3 x 20 reps.
After the hour and a half deadlift session, I was real beat! So the accessory’s and recovery work was tough, the weight was not huge, but I tried to concentrate on the movement and not just pointlessly move from A-B!
Anyway make sure you give this session a go and let me know how you get on!!