Women’s fitness goals (Forget Fat Loss)

“Screw fat loss, I’m going to get strong.”

More and more women are choosing fitness goals that don’t have a damn thing to do with fat loss, and reaping the rewards a new path provides. According to most magazines, commercials, products, and articles targeting women, it’s easy to assume losing fat, fixing flaws, and looking better are the only reasons a woman can have to eat well and move her body.

If a woman eats a healthy meal, it’s because she’s “watching her weight.” If she’s on a cardio machine or even squatting and deadlifting heavy weights, it’s because she’s trying to “tone up” and fix her flawed features.

Women, have a history of constantly striving for fat loss — for years that’s all they focus on. Burning fat and shrinking down is the sole reason they go on a diet or exercise or even strength train.

I’ve discovered numerous other health and fitness goals women can have, instead of losing fat and fixing flaws:

  • To feel good in their body.
  • To increase their stamina and energy levels.
  • To increase their physical strength.
  • To learn new skills.
  • To move pain free and alleviate old aches and pains.
  • To improve their quality of life.
  • To build muscle. (Yes, women can actually want to build muscle.)
  • To challenge themselves physically as a means to increase mental fortitude.
  • To maintain independence with age.
  • To relieve stress.
  • To be more instead of feeling obligated to chase all things “less.”
  • To do something, simply for the hell of it, because they can.
  • To build a body that serves them, and allows them to do the things that bring them joy, happiness, and a fulfilling life.
  • To lift weights, or move their body in other ways, because each workout is its own reward.

If you’re burned out and exhausted from constantly chasing fat loss or focusing on aesthetics and using the scale as the sole indicator of your success, tackle some of the goals shared above. Harness the power that gets unleashed when you say, “Screw fat loss, I’m going to get strong.” You’ll be amazed, as so many have been, at what happens to your mind, and body, when you change your approach to nutrition, health, and fitness.

I will be posting weekly blog’s and videos via the Fitness Worx channels, so follow my journey and let me help guide you as a women, to reach your fitness goals.

Annie X

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