Our latest Fitness Worx Weekly Challenge is now up.. Give it a go next time you are in the gym and remember to choose your weight wisely…

– Bar bell Back Squat x 10
– HexBar Deadlift x 10
– Kettle Bell Swings x 15
– Wall Balls x 10
– Bunny Hops x 20
– MedBall Slams x 10
– 250m Row
– 10 Cal Watt bike
– Barbell Thrusters x 10

FWX Weekly Challenge

Fitness Worx Weekly Challenge

– Bar bell Back Squat x 10
– HexBar Deadlift x 10
– Kettle Bell Swings x 15
– Wall Balls x 10
– Bunny Hops x 20
– MedBall Slams x 10
– 250m Row
– 10 Cal Watt bike
– Barbell Thrusters x 10

AMRAP in 20 min!!
Choose your weight wisely…

Posted by Fitness Worx on Saturday, 10 February 2018

FWX Coach Annie takes us through 4 Glute movements, to help improve the size, strength and definition of this popular muscle group!!
Annie will be giving you weekly training and nutrition updates, from a female perspective here  www.fitness-worx.com/blog


????‍♀️ FWX Coach Annie takes us through 4 Glute movements, to help improve the size, strength and definition of this popular muscle group!!

Annie will be giving you weekly training and nutrition updates, from a female perspective here ➡️ www.fitness-worx.com/blog

Posted by Fitness Worx on Thursday, 8 February 2018


We all know in order to lose weight, we need to cut calories. However there is a point where eating too little can cause more damage than good…

Yes, it’s important that the number of calories we consume is controlled, however too much restriction can actually SLOW down progress. It can be tempting to drastically reduce calories in an effort to lose weight fast, trust me I’ve been there! However, research (and past experience) has shown that this is not an effective approach to long – term weight loss.

What Happens If We Don’t Eat Enough?


Our bodies need energy for sleeping, walking and digestion but ESPECIALLY when we want to smash our workouts. That means fuelling up our bodies by eating the right foods, in the right amounts. What’s the point in taking time out of your busy schedule to hit the gym, only to get there and not be able to give it 110% because you’re on an ‘empty tank’. We wouldn’t expect a car to run on no fuel, so why expect our bodies to do the same!


Our typical thinking is that we gain weight when we overeat consistently. And yes, it is true that when we consistently ignore the fact that we are already full, and eat more than we need, we exceed the body’s need for energy and therefore these extra calories gets stored as fat.. leading to fat gain. However what isn’t understood, is that the opposite can happen too. When we consistently ignore the fact that we are hungry, the body is knocked out of balance. When we consistently don’t eat, or keep portion sizes down to the bare minimum, the body’s survival responses will quickly kick in and set us up for eating or even OVEREATING. There have been so many occasions where I have put myself through a seriously low calorie diet throughout the week days, just to get to Friday and let loose on all of the pizza, ice – cream and chocolate imaginable which just took me back to square one!

So, if we don’t want to eat too many calories, but we don’t want to eat too little calories, what on earth are we supposed to do?

It really is quite simple, just stay BALANCED! This means eating a wide variety of foods in sensible proportions. Also, remember that what you eat before and after your workout is key to seeing the progress you are hoping for. Ensure that you eat a good sized meal at least 2 – 3 hours before your workout, consisting of healthy fats, protein and carbohydrates, YES, those dreaded carbs! Carbohydrate is the fuel that is going to help you smash your workout, so they should be here to stay. The same goes for your post workout meal, remember to REFUEL!

To conclude, if you are sensible with what you choose to eat, get those fruit and veggies in, fuel up and kick ass in the gym and last of all remember that a bit of chocolate on the weekends will NOT jeopardise your weight loss journey, you will see results in no time!


Did you know, most gym-goers are prone to injuries and have injuries they are unaware of. Whether it’s a small muscle pain in your neck, or a tight hamstring, these can be the signs that a well needed Sports Massage should be applied. While some strains are unavoidable, many problems gym-goers face can easily be avoided with the treatment of Sports Massage.

Many athletes are given sports massages to reduce the swelling of muscle microtears and to help get rid of waste products like lactic acid that build up in their muscles. By incorporating massage into pre and post-gym routines, sports therapists can help healing processes and decrease recovery time ready for the next session. Massage can also help increase flexibility for even better performance in and out of the gym.

If you enjoy the gym but want to make sure you stay healthy and fit , try adding a sports massage into your exercise routine. Our team has designed the massages specifically for novice gym users right through to athletes. Book in with the FWX Therapy team for a sports massage, if you want to balance your musculoskeletal system as well as strengthen your muscles and correct any problems your sport or gym routine may have caused.

Your treatment will usually begin with an examination of your posture and gait, before you discuss your sporting and history and any previous injuries.  They will then use a combination of Swedish and Deep Tissue techniques to reach deep pressure points in your body.

For further information email enquiries@fitness-worx.com or call Chris now on 01926 859 488 to book in your Sports Massage


Strong, fit and lean has been developed by Fitness Worx Gyms, to add muscle mass to thousands of people of all ages and walks of life. Our Muscle Building system is the direct application of learning from both the hits and the misses, creating what we believe to be one of the most powerful muscle building packages in the world. The package can be tailored to incorporate weight loss too, dependant on client goals.

This unisex program is designed to increase FITNESS, STRENGTH and MUSCLE. The program will see you undertaking challenging routines within overall phases of intensification.

Click here to find out more about the package



Fitness Worx  is an independent family run gym with locations in Kenilworth and Warwick.  As well as gym membership we provide a wide range of Personal Training, Classes, Sports Specific Training and Transformation packages.

Due to the ongoing success at the Warwick location, we are looking to expand our team of personal trainers.  

Our team works tirelessly to provide excellent service and results with our customers, are qualified to at least level 3, flexible in their working hours, friendly, able to work alone or as a team, always willing to learn, push themselves to achieve their own goals, compete at top level competitions and are able to work with and advise clients on the best way to achieve results through both diet and exercise.

More than this they are passionate, caring and have purpose within the fitness industry to deliver the best of themselves, the people they work with and their clients.

  • Does this sound like you?
  • Are you willing to work in a fun, friendly environment as part of a team of industry experts?
  • Are you a self-motivator willing to grow, learn and expand your knowledge and capabilities within the fitness industry?
  • Are you willing to go that extra mile for your clients, provide excellent customer service and help them achieve their goals?
  • Are you experienced and qualified to at least Level 3 Personal Training?
  • Are you reliable, organised and a good timekeeper?
  • Can you be flexible with both your time and location of work?
  • Can you work with and motivate clients to gain their trust, evaluate their fitness and understand their needs and requirements?
  • Can you design and fine-tune customer diet and exercise plans?
  • Do you have an outgoing, lively personality with great customer focus and communication skills?
  • Do you have the passion to be successful and deliver successful results?
  • Do you have a proven track record of successful results?

If this is youPlease send your CV to enquiries@fitness-worx.com to be considered for the role.

It’s refreshing to see a simple workout. These days, most trainers go the trendy route with routines that are more “YouTube blooper reel” than “proven muscle builder.”  His routine has no Bosu ball squats, no Olympic lifts, no fancy machines and it’s nothing dangerous. But it’ll build you an incredible upper body, as Hart’s physique in Central Intelligence proves. And it takes just 30 minutes per workout.

How it works

Hart’s routine focuses on the most basic upper-body builders known to man: the bench press, pushup, row, curl, and dip. Group them and perform them as circuits, and you’ll work the muscles as well as the heart, promoting both size gains and fat loss in a short workout.


Perform the exercises marked with a letter (“A,” “B,” and “C”) as a circuit. So you’ll do one set of each in sequence before resting as prescribed. Repeat for three circuits each (three sets of each move). Complete all the circuits for the first group of exercises before going on to the next one.


  • Sets: 3
  • Reps: 10, 8, 6
  • Rest: 0 sec.


  • Sets: 3
  • Reps: As many as possible
  • Rest: 0 sec


  • Sets: 3
  • Reps: Pull a sled 20 yards or perform 10-12 dumbbell rows
  • Rest: 90 sec.


  • Sets: 3
  • Reps: 10
  • Rest: 0 sec.


  • Sets: 3
  • Reps: 10
  • Rest: 0 sec.


If you have any trouble with these exercises, please ask a FWX Coach for advice next time you’re in the gym!

“Screw fat loss, I’m going to get strong.”

More and more women are choosing fitness goals that don’t have a damn thing to do with fat loss, and reaping the rewards a new path provides. According to most magazines, commercials, products, and articles targeting women, it’s easy to assume losing fat, fixing flaws, and looking better are the only reasons a woman can have to eat well and move her body.

If a woman eats a healthy meal, it’s because she’s “watching her weight.” If she’s on a cardio machine or even squatting and deadlifting heavy weights, it’s because she’s trying to “tone up” and fix her flawed features.

Women, have a history of constantly striving for fat loss — for years that’s all they focus on. Burning fat and shrinking down is the sole reason they go on a diet or exercise or even strength train.

I’ve discovered numerous other health and fitness goals women can have, instead of losing fat and fixing flaws:

  • To feel good in their body.
  • To increase their stamina and energy levels.
  • To increase their physical strength.
  • To learn new skills.
  • To move pain free and alleviate old aches and pains.
  • To improve their quality of life.
  • To build muscle. (Yes, women can actually want to build muscle.)
  • To challenge themselves physically as a means to increase mental fortitude.
  • To maintain independence with age.
  • To relieve stress.
  • To be more instead of feeling obligated to chase all things “less.”
  • To do something, simply for the hell of it, because they can.
  • To build a body that serves them, and allows them to do the things that bring them joy, happiness, and a fulfilling life.
  • To lift weights, or move their body in other ways, because each workout is its own reward.

If you’re burned out and exhausted from constantly chasing fat loss or focusing on aesthetics and using the scale as the sole indicator of your success, tackle some of the goals shared above. Harness the power that gets unleashed when you say, “Screw fat loss, I’m going to get strong.” You’ll be amazed, as so many have been, at what happens to your mind, and body, when you change your approach to nutrition, health, and fitness.

I will be posting weekly blog’s and videos via the Fitness Worx channels, so follow my journey and let me help guide you as a women, to reach your fitness goals.

Annie X